Dress to Impress: VC's Guide to Business Casual Attire – Vintage Charm

Dress to Impress: VC's Guide to Business Casual Attire

Dress to Impress: VC's Guide to Business Casual Attire

Vintage Charm Team Vintage Charm Team

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Internships call for a whole different approach to your wardrobe. Going from college style to dressing more business casual is never easy. What’s difficult about dressing for the office, is staying within the dress code while also showing off your own unique style. Vintage Charm has you covered and will make sure you dress to impress in the office! The best way to start is by picking out a classic staple piece and deciding how to elevate the look from there. Think about a nice staple blazer or a patterned, appropriate dress and adding on. Throw in some simple jewelry and a pair of simple, comfortable heels or even a pair of loafers.

dress to impress

dress to impress

A very common misconception in the corporate world is that you have to dress very simple, professional, and bland. This is so far from the truth. Showing your own style off through classy yet stylish pieces can make your 9-5 feel more fun and can even help you do better work! Being unique and allowing your unique style to shine through can also help you stand out in not only interviews but also can help you be memorable in the workplace.

dress to impress

dress to impress

Overall, dressing business casual shouldn’t be boring. Keeping in mind your company's dress code, consider being bold with a bright blazer or a fun pair of pants. Dress up a simple outfit with fun jewelry and accessories. A bold pair of hoops or a fun bracelet stack are subtle and classy but add that unique touch to any outfit. Headbands are an easy flare that can elevate any work outfit. They are easy to throw on and dress up any simple look. Vintage Charm is your one stop shop for all fun accessories and a wide variety of business casual clothing! Stop in and shop today. 

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